Month: April 2019

What Women Wear

Breasts are in the news again. This time, it’s a photograph that’s the problem. A photograph of a young woman with no top on. She sent her photo to the man she was dating. He then shared it with colleagues at the school where they both taught. I say worked, because one of them was…

Why Trigeminal Neuralgia Needs to Lose its Nickname

Billy Bones. Roribug. Little Bear. Flop-Eared Houndybeast. These are some of the nicknames I have for my daughter and grandchildren. Well, the last one belonged to our dog, who had many and varied nicknames. The kids don’t have floppy ears. I’m sure we’ll all be familiar with the concept of nicknames as affectionate (or otherwise!)…

Getting a Slice of the Cake

Change. A single, soft-spoken syllable. Yet it’s a powerful little creature, reaching into every corner of our lives. Sometimes it’s an invitation – welcome and exciting. Sometimes it’s a burden – disruptive and frightening. It’s a bundle of contradictions: progress and retreat, secret and flamboyant, havoc and harmony. It can bounce into our lives with the…